Unlike my week, which is packed to say the least, the weekend was one of those rare and precious occasions on which there was little to do in the garden other than sit back and enjoy. This is not a state that comes naturally to me, so between reading the paper and soaking up the sun I potted up a few small plants which will bring some colour to the garden later on. Among them were Catharanthus roseus (the Madagascar periwinkle), Lantana camara (Spanish flag), Mandevilla (a deep red one) and Cleome “Sparkler Rose”. The latter have survived two almost fatal attacks from the snails, so they are very precious indeed.
Last night we were lucky enough to enjoy the waterpolo quarter finals at the Olympics, so lots of photos and details of the planting on the park to follow over the next few days.
Below, Fuchsia “Dark Delicious” continues to impress.